2024 Campaign Information
Welcome to the 2024 United Way of Central Missouri Campaign page. Here you will find all you need to host your workplace campaign; including campaign structure options, printable materials--like our brochures, the link to our 2024 Campaign Video, Back to the Future-themed fundraising activity ideas for your workplace, t-shirt order forms and more!
The United Way Campaign supports our partner agencies that are helping the hungry, the homeless, the powerless...seniors, babies, adults with disabilities and families struggling to put food on the table or a roof over their heads. United Way was born as a result of difficult times, and it's in our DNA to step up and help people in tough and uncertain times. Our priority has always been to protect and support our community, and we cannot do this important work without you.
Our 2024 Campaign Goal is $2.6 million, and the theme for this year's campaign is Back to the Future with the slogan 'The Power of Love'. United Way of Central Missouri needs you to join the fight for the health, education, financial stability and basic needs of every person in our community.
United Way remains committed to helping our supporters develop a customized and personalized campaign that fits your situation and needs. If you have had a campaign with us in the past, a United Way volunteer will be calling you soon to confirm the details of your campaign. If you have not had a campaign before, please give us a call at 573-636-4100 and we'll help you get started!
If you would like to set up an online giving page on our website for your organization, please call us at 573-636-4100.